Sustainable entrepreneurship
CenSE supports organizations to systematically translate contemporary trends and challenges into sustainable business operations. This sustainable business also means that it fits in with the United Nations Sustainability Agenda and gives substance to the sustainability objectives (SDGs) formulated therein.
CenSE looks at new trends from a broad economic perspective. One of these trends, of course being digitalization. We offer our expertise in digital marketing where we support SMEs in data-smart entrepreneurship.
Circular economy
CenSE is taking on a leading role in research aimed at the circular transition, in which the realization of sustainable partnerships is an important focus. We can also rely on expertise in the sharing economy.
Socio-economic sustainability
CenSE also values the human and social aspect of sustainable entrepreneurship. We investigate how underutilized social capital in the society can be activated through economic participation. In doing so, we maintain the focus on SMEs and family businesses and together we discuss topics such as sustainable HRM, the future of jobs, workable work, inclusive entrepreneurship, etc. In short, we support organizations in implementing social commitment.
Competencies of the future
CenSE places an important focus on the personal development of the individual. In the ever faster evolving society, the need for future-oriented competences is essential. We therefore actively pursue research projects on future competences (sustainability, digital and entrepreneurial competences) and on innovation in the learning process.