Student housing
As an international student studying abroad finding student accommodation is considered as one of the most important aspects of your student life. It is important that you feel comfortable in your new accommodation, because this will be your new 'home' for some time after all.
A golden tip for your search: start your search for accommodation in time, make time to look for a room, go and see different rooms and compare them. If you are not able to come to your new student city before the start of the academic year to look for student accommodation and you want to rent a room from abroad, watch out for fraud and never transfer money before having a copy of the signed rental contract.
Our housing service will gladly assist you with information and advice for your search. They can answer your questions about how much it can cost, where to look and they have some useful tips for your search.

List with student accommodation in region Aalst
Private landlords who rent student accommodation in region Aalst are mentioned on a specific list that is updated every year.
Take a look at the recent list of student accommodation in region Aalst.
Sublet your room?
If you are going on exchange to study or do your internship abroad during the academic year, you can notify STUVO. We keep a list of available rooms for students who are still looking for a room for the second semester. In this way, STUVO can help you to sublet your room.
More information
Katrien Wageman
+32 53 72 71 20
For student accommodation in Brussels, STUVO works together with an external partner: Brik a service desk for students in Brussels. They manage student rooms in the centre of Brussels and also coordinate an online database with their own rooms and rooms from private owners in the city center as well as in the communes of Brussels Capital Region.
Brik is the contact point for students in Brussels. Through Brik, you find a student room, find out
all about life in Brussels and experience the best events.
On you can find more than 3,300 student rooms, studios, and flats for students in
Brussels. Enter your preferences and find out which student rooms are available.
MyKot helps all students in Brussels in their search for a student room.
A standard room in the centre of Brussels costs on average €530 per month, including a fixed amount for the utility costs and internet. The rental prices of the student rooms depend on the location, the desired comfort (private bathroom/shower or not) and the size of the room.
If the rental prices in the city centre are beyond your budget, you should look for a room in the other communes of the Brussels Capital Region. Our campus is easily accessible by public transport and you can make unlimited use of it with a Brussels' metro system pass at student rate (€12 for 12 months if you are younger than 24 years old).
The rental season in Brussels starts at the end of June - beginning of July and the summer months are particularly busy.
Some private owners, however, start renting out their rooms earlier and work with a waiting list. Make sure to start looking for suitable student accommodation in time, eg. March/April.
Guided tours of Brik during the summer
Throughout the summer, Brik organises guided tours (Kottours) around the student rooms it manages in the centre of Brussels. You can have a look at the accommodation that interests you most and immediately sign a rental contract if you have found what you are looking for.
Note! During these guided tours in July and August, only the rooms managed by Brik in the centre of Brussels are included. The rooms from private landlords are not included. You have to contact the owner directly to make an appointment to see the room.
Check the website of Brik for more information and the planning of these tours.
More information?
- Marieke Steurs
tel. +32 210 13 19
e-mail: - Brik
address: Zavelput 20, 1000 Brussels
tel. +32 2 211 05 40

Social housing for students
Are you looking for student accommodation in Brussels at a lower(er) monthly rent? Then take a look at the website of the following organisation in Brussels.
Social rental office for students - S.V.K.S.
This organisation was set up to meet the specific needs of students with a limited budget. To be able to rent a room or a studio through this organisation, you have to meet a number of financial conditions. If you qualify, you can rent quality student accommodation in Brussels at a lower price than the average market price.
More information can be found on the Website of S.V.K.S.
Kot @ Ghent
Students looking for a flat on the private market should check You can consult the database and search for a room that meets your requirements. The search engine will help you find the available rooms for the next academic year.
On this site you will also find all the information about renting a room in Ghent, your rights and duties as a tenant, tips and tricks, a model lease contract, ...
Sublet your room?
Are you going abroad on exchange or starting your internship and no longer need your room? Offer your room at!
Looking for a room for one semester?
Students who want to sublet their room for one semester offer this through Kotatgent's "kotenfinder". Take a look at this website regularly and search the database under 'contract duration' for the rooms with 'other contract duration'.
Need more info?
Bie Van De Casteele & Lisa Gyselinck
Office A004
+32 9 2365 86 10

In Sint-Niklaas, 42 students can live in the student residence on campus.
Living in student housing for a short period of time (exams, internship, etc.)? That's possible too!
Interested? You can find more information in this brochure.
Private market student rooms
STUVO also provides information about approved rooms on the private market.
More information
Els Van Eetvelt
+32 3 776 43 48