Who is who
Annelies Pil
Main workplace
Campus Sint-Niklaas
Hospitaalstraat 23
9100 Sint-Niklaas
9100 Sint-Niklaas
Contact details
- annelies.pil@odisee.be
Roles and functions
- Lid Onderwijsteam Lager onderwijs - Campus Sint-Niklaas
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep Onderwijs
Publications - results
This information is based on the Lirias data. For more information go to lirias (opens in a new window)
< /i>Bacillus farraginis< //i> sp nov., < /i>Bacillus fortis< //i> sp nov and < /i>Bacillus fordii< //i> sp nov., isolated at dairy farms (opens in a new window)International Journal Of Systematic And Evolutionary Microbiology; 2004; Vol. 54; iss. Pt 4; pp. 1355 - 1364
Incidence and diversity of potentially highly heat-resistant spores isolated at dairy farms (opens in a new window)Applied And Environmental Microbiology; 2005; Vol. 71; iss. 3; pp. 1480 - 1494
Opleiding voor leerkrachten : Aan de slag met Filozoo in de wetenschapsklas (opens in a new window)Opleiding Filozoo: Filosoferen in de wetenschapsklas, Location: Vives campus Kortrijk
Hoe kan je inzetten op de denkvaardigheden binnen STEM en wetenschapsonderwijs via dialoog en reflectie? (opens in a new window)Vlaams congres van leraars wetenschappen, Date: 2019/11/16 - 2019/11/16, Location: KU Leuven, Campus Arenberg III
STEM3D didactiek workshop katholiek onderwijs vlaanderen (opens in a new window)STEM dag katholiek onderwijs vlaanderen, Location: Sint- Niklaas
From thinking to doing through dialogue: designing a pedagogical strategy for STEM (opens in a new window)GIREP conference 2022, Date: 2022/07/04 - 2022/07/08, Location: Ljubljana
Denken, Doen en Dialoog in de STEM-klas (opens in a new window)Ruimte voor STEM - Space for STEM, Date: 2019/06/05 - 2019/06/05, Location: Odisee - campus Schaarbeek
Thinking, Doing, Talking STEM (opens in a new window)ESERA 2019, Date: 2019/08/26 - 2019/08/30, Location: Bologna
De alternerende rol van de wetenschapsleerkracht coach en expert (opens in a new window)Velon/VELOV congres 2019, Date: 2019/03/18 - 2019/03/19, Location: Breda, NL
STEM in dialoog (opens in a new window)School ♡ onderzoek, Date: 2019/02/14 - 2019/02/14, Location: Brussel
From doing to thinking through dialogue in a STEM class (opens in a new window)11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (ICERI2018); 2018; pp. 9668 - 967311th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Date: 2018/11/12 - 2018/11/14, Location: Sevilla, Spain
Is an apple alive? Philosophical dialogue in the science class (opens in a new window)11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (ICERI2018); 2018; pp. 9664 - 966711th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Date: 2018/11/12 - 2018/11/14, Location: Sevilla, Spain