Circular construction - the mobile unit
Circular construction - the mobile unit
Many academic studies have already been conducted on the theme of circular construction. Now there is an urgent need to translate that knowledge into hands-on implementation techniques that can be used directly on site. By designing a mobile unit in which various models of circular construction are exhibited, it is possible to make the principles accessible and tangible for the contractors.
A step-by-step plan is provided in a visual manner, answering the question of how to put circular building methods into practice.
The starting point for selecting the structure of the models is the recently developed TOTEM tool. This gives an indication of the environmental cost of various building components: Furthermore, we apply the principles of change-oriented construction, so that the materials can be easily dismantled. For this purpose, we use design sheets and the accompanying catalogue.
We make a selection of techniques that can be used in both new construction and renovation projects. By testing the TOTEM buildings against the circular principles and the experience of the contractors, we focus on economically and ecologically feasible methods.
It is a process of co-creation in which the various partners, the knowledge institutes, the training centre and the contractors consult each other at regular intervals in order to arrive at the most relevant solutions for the various models. During the design and development of the mobile unit itself, our team will apply the principles of circular construction as much as possible.

Our partners
- VDAB: Flemish Service for Employment and Professional Training
- Bouwunie (Building Union)
- Ghent University