Informal social work practices around hidden homelessness in the Brussels Region


The research project departs from a broad interpretation of homelessness, including people who are hidden homeless because they find temporary solutions by staying with relatives or friends, living in squats or in other insecure housing. We investigate the functioning and the role of informal social work practices in their lives. Based on a survey of some 160 NPOs, 4 case studies of informal social work practices and participatory research with people with lived experiences of homelessness, we explore how informal social work practices support these people and what the possibilities and limits of these informal actors are.

Verborgen thuisloosheid onderzoeksproject


Our partners

  • Kenniscentrum Welzijn, Wonen, Zorg;
  • La Strada, Steunpunt Thuislozenzorg Brussel;
  • Rhea, Expertisecentrum Gender, Diversiteit en Intersectionaliteit (VUB)

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