Sessions study skills

In the first year of college it is possible that studying doesn't go so smoothly from the start, that you don't know 'how to start' or that the upcoming exam period causes you stress.

STUVO is happy to help you with (online) sessions, personal guidance or with the E-course ‘Study Skills (NL)’.

organisatie en management

Study method and planning

Stuvo can help you study in a more efficient way: a good study plan, concentrating, structuring, diagramming, memorizing, taking notes, formulating questions for the course, ... Through the link below you will get an overview of our upcoming live and online sessions, which you can join without registration. You'll also find our webinars on the same topics. A bundled version of these online offerings can be found in the e-course. Do you still have questions? Then contact a staff member at your campus.

Make sure you first take a look at the online sessions on offer. If you still have questions, send an e-mail to one of the student psychologists.

During one or more sessions they will check your actual study behaviour together with you and make suggestions for possible improvements. Often you can already improve your study skills with a few tips and tricks.

student voor laptop bijtend op potlood

E-course Study Skills

In this e-course, you will find STUVO's online sessions. The e-course includes videos on study methods and planning, but also on fear of failure, stress, ... You can go through this at your own pace! The aim of this e-course is to get tools, tips and tricks to go through your studies more successfully.

E-Course Studievaardigheden

Neem contact op met een medewerker van je campus

KU Leuven studenten: gelieve Marc, Leen of Maarten te contacteren.

Odisee studenten: gelieve de studentenbegeleiders te contacteren via het algemeen mailadres (zie link onderaan).

Contacteer de studentenbegeleiders


Gelieve de studentenbegeleider te contacteren via het algemeen mailadres (zie link onderaan).