Bachelor's thesis submission
In the final phase of your studies you write a bachelor thesis. You will submit this thesis digitally at the end of the course and your thesis will be included in the Odisee digital archive.
This is the link to the environment where you have to upload your bachelor's thesis.
In this guide you will find how to do this.
You, as the author, specify which will be the consultability of your undergraduate thesis. You have different degrees of accessibility.
- This allows your final paper to be completely confidential.
- In addition, you have the option to make your bachelor's thesis readable within Odisee, this with immediate effect or with deferred effect (e.g. only after 5 years).
- Finally, there is also the option to make your bachelor's thesis completely open and freely accessible on the Internet.
This document explains the handling of a confidential undergraduate thesis.
This form you must provide to (the bachelor's thesis coordinator of) your program so that the consultability of your bachelor's thesis can be set up.

During the writing of your bachelor thesis, you can check if your text correctly refers to sources by performing a scan with the plagiarism detection software Turnitin. This brief infofiche explains how to do this.