Basic conditions of student participation
Together with the college we are pursuing sustainable student participation . The past academic years some thresholds were identified and exposed at the Flemish level (a.o. by the Vlor and the Flemish Association of Students). Within Odisee, we are proud of the commitments made by our student representatives, but are aware that this voluntary commitment also requires effort.
Time for a concrete approach! In the lap of our General Assembly and after further coordination with our programs, we are proud to begin work on, the basic requirements for student participation starting in AY23-24.
On this page, discover how to engage in dialogue with your program as an officially elected student representative, what steps to take concretely, and also....what we feel obligated to do as a student council when things do get a little off track.

Who do the basic requirements apply to?
Odisee college is committed to participation. It recognizes its student representatives as (equally)worthy partners to pursue our co-creative vision.
Did you run for student council and get elected? Then you can get started. If you already have a regular role or assignment within the student council, then you know what to expect in terms of content. But as a student representative, you may still have some questions. If you don't have a clear idea of what to expect as a student representative, it's best to contact our administrator participation. We're confident that, after a brief chat, you'll then be good to go.
Engage in dialogue with your training
As soon as you know what you will be working on this academic year (ex: you participate in an (internal) steering committee, you participate in the quality assurance of your program or college, you actively engage on your campus,...), schedule a meeting with the pathway supervisor of your program. Within your Individual Study Program (ISP), you will jointly determine your study load reduction (no exemptions). As a student representative, you can claim minimum three credits of study load reduction. The credits may be linked to different course units (opos).
A concrete, fictitious example: As a student representative, you participate in a quality screening and must report internally (in writing). In discussion with your pathway supervisor, and based on your ISP, you determine a course load reduction within following OPOs: Communication Skills, Business Writing and Meeting Techniques. During this conversation, you each start from a different role. Your pathway supervisor knows the learning content of these courses and you know what you hope to accomplish as a student representative. This is the basis for determining together which part(s) of the OPOs you will receive a deviation for, and which (part) assignments you should not include within these OPOs. -
Deviation from ECTS agreements.
The study load reduction agreements you make with your track supervisor are recorded in the form 'request deviation ECTS agreements'
TIP: Make concrete agreements. For example, agree very specifically on when a course can still take back the deviation. That way you know exactly what you stand for.
You don't live up to the agreements made. What then?
We will begin working with this renewed approach for the first time in academic year 2023-2024. As a student council, we would like to monitor its operation in academic year 23-24. In March 2024 a intermediate evaluation will follow.
As a student council, we feel it is our duty to contact the program when you are not actively participating as a student. A program can then, based on the agreements made, undo the deviation ECTS. As a student, you must then take up again the study load reduction granted.
As a program, you can provide challenges or opportunities for improvement to Stijn Depuydt, Staff Officer Student Participation and facilitator General Student Council. We will gladly take these to the evaluation.
Being a Stuver is a nice way to get to know students from other programs and campuses. During the meetings we are informed Odisee-wide about what is going on and we also get a chance to have our say about this...Definitely worth making this commitment.