Who is who
Elien Crois
Senior Onderzoeker
Main workplace
Campus Brussel
Warmoesberg 26
1000 Brussel
1000 Brussel
Contact details
- elien.crois@odisee.be
Roles and functions
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep Bedrijfskunde
Publications - results
This information is based on the Lirias data. For more information go to lirias (opens in a new window)
Presentation: Conversation on introducing education for sustainable development and SDGs in your school (opens in a new window)International Week Odisee, Location: Online
Presentatie Microcredential Systemische Transformatie (opens in a new window)Overleg met ETION, Location: Online
Presentatie microcredential systemische transformatie (opens in a new window)Overleg met VOKA Oost-Vlaanderen, Location: Gent
Werkgroepvergadering Duurzaam Hoger Onderwijs. Presented at the second workgroup meeting Duurzaam Hoger Onderwijs, online meeting, 30 June 2020 (opens in a new window)Werkgroepvergadering Duurzaam Hoger Onderwijs, Location: Online
ESD and SDGs in VET (opens in a new window)SDG Festival Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Location: Online
Pitch Stairway to SDG & Summer School Sustainable Management (opens in a new window)Netwerkevent Associatie KU Leuven Beleidsgroep Kunsten, Location: Brussel
Education for sustainable development & SDGs in your classroom: Stairway to SDG & Summer School Sustainable Management (opens in a new window)International Week Odisee, Location: Online
Poster Voorsprongfondsproject Microcredentials & stackable credits (opens in a new window)Netwerkmoment Special Interest Group Levenslang Leren, Location: Gent
TEACH4SD Presentation regional perspective from Belgium (opens in a new window)TEACH4SD Kick-off conference, Location: Aarhus
Duurzame Verandering in het Hoger Onderwijs (opens in a new window)Studiedag Duurzame Verandering in het Hoger Onderwijs, Date: 2019/10/11 - 2019/10/11, Location: Ghent
Presentation Online International Teacher Training ESD & SDGs in VET - module 1 (opens in a new window)Online International Teacher Training SDG Stairway project, Location: Online
Presentation Online International Teacher Training ESD & SDGs in VET - module 2 (opens in a new window)Online International Teacher Training SDG Stairway project, Location: Online
Presentation Online International Teacher Training ESD & SDGs in VET - module 3 (opens in a new window)Online International Teacher Training SDG Stairway project, Location: Online
Odisee poster at Teach4SD kick-off (opens in a new window)Open kick off conference Teach4SD, Location: VIA University College, Aarhus, Denmark
Presentation: Introduction to systems thinking (opens in a new window)International Week Odisee, Location: Online
Inclusief werkgeversgedrag: Brainstormworkshop (opens in a new window)Inclusief werkgeversgedrag: Brainstormworkshop, Date: 2020/11/16 - 2020/11/16, Location: Online
Presentatie Adviesverlening Duurzame Bedrijfstransformatie - CenSE (opens in a new window)Blikopener Adviesverlening aan Bedrijven, Location: Online
Introductie in systeemdenken toegepast op de klimaatuitdaging in het hoger onderwijs (opens in a new window)Seminarie Klimaateducatie in het hoger onderwijs, Location: VAC Gent
Duurzame bedrijfstransformatie. Presented at the online masterclass Duurzame bedrijfstransformatie, 26 March 2020 (opens in a new window)Online Masterclass Duurzame bedrijfstransformatie, Date: 2020/03/26 - 2020/03/26, Location: Online
Opleidingspagina Microcredential Systemische Transformatie (opens in a new window)Haentjens, Wim; Henssen, Bart; Marchand, Fleur
Masterclass Sustainable Business Transformation (opens in a new window)Brabant, karen; Henssen, Bart
University Research Centers as Catalyzers in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Fostering the Transitions towards Sustainable Business Models via the University-Business Interface (opens in a new window)The Role of Universities and Their Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Advocating Sustainability; 2022; pp. 199 - 213de GruyterISBN: 9783110670165DOI: 10.1515/9783110670219-011