Who is who
Julie Vanderlinden
Main workplace
Campus Brussel-Terranova
Blekerijstraat 23-29 bus 1
1000 Brussel
1000 Brussel
Contact details
- julie.vanderlinden@odisee.be
Roles and functions
- Lid Onderwijsteam Verpleegkunde - Campus Aalst
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep Gezondheidszorg
Publications - results
This information is based on the Lirias data. For more information go to lirias (opens in a new window)
Stress, sleep and well-being of health care managers - How do stress and sleep problems relate to the well-being of health care managers? (opens in a new window)COHEHRE, Date: 2024/11/18 - 2024/11/20, Location: Ghent, Belgium
Innovative thinking in mental health: positive health approach (opens in a new window)Healthy ageing in a global perspective, Location: Groningen-Hybrid
Prospective associations between physical activity, sleep and health outcomes in older adults (opens in a new window)MEXT Top Global project, Waseda university, Date: 2019/03/06 - 2019/03/08, Location: Tokyo, Japan
Over actief en gezond ouder worden. Slaap er eens over (opens in a new window)Week van de Verpleegkunde-NVKVV, Date: 2019/03/28 - 2019/03/28, Location: Oostende
Lekker Actief : over actief en gezond ouder worden (opens in a new window)OKRA SPORT+, Location: Kortrijk
Non Pharmaceutical Treatment For Sleep Problems In Older Adults (opens in a new window)Transys personalised medicine, Location: Online
Associations between sedentary behaviour, physical activity, sleep and well-being in older adults (opens in a new window)Baltic congress of Physiotherapists, Location: Riga
Active and healthy ageing: associations between physical activity, exercise and sleep in older adults (opens in a new window)European Sleep Research Society, Location: Frejus France
Active and healthy ageing: associations between physical activity, exercise and sleep in older adults (opens in a new window)European Sleep Research Society, Location: Frejus-France
Young informal caregivers in Flanders (Belgium). The impact of caring on their personal life (opens in a new window)Eurocarers 2021, Location: Brussels
Non Pharmaceutical Treatment For Sleep Problems In Older Adults (opens in a new window)Transys personalised medicine, Location: Virtual
The effects of a non-pharmacological intervention program to treat anxiety, stress and sleep problems in people with early onset dementia (opens in a new window)ICBM, Date: 2023/08/23 - 2023/08/26, Location: Vancouver
Slaap bij ouderen vanuit psychotherapeutisch perspectief (opens in a new window)Pentalfa, Location: UZLeuven
Mediteren, relaxeren, slapen (opens in a new window)Niet-farmacologische aanpak van insomnie in de eerste lijn, Location: Pentalfa, UZ leuven
Techniques for the management of stress, anxiety and sleep problems. Lessons learned from a program in early onset dementia (opens in a new window)International Programme 2023 - Hanze University Groningen (NL), Location: Hybrid
Slaap en diabetes (opens in a new window)De week van verpleegkunde - Netwerk Verpleegkunde, Location: Oostende
Using subjective and objective measures to determine effects in sleep and health outcomes in older adults after following a lifestyle program (opens in a new window)KWALON conference, Date: 2019/12/09 - 2020/01/09, Location: Rotterdam
JONGD: een programma voor de reductie van stress en slaapproblemen bij personen met jongdementie (opens in a new window)Zorginnovaties, Date: 2023/05/04 - 2023/05/04, Location: Aalst, België
The development of an inspirational guide about Young informal carers in Higher education (opens in a new window)COHEHRE, Date: 2025/11/18 - 2025/11/20, Location: Gent, Belgium
Young informal carers in Higher education : impact on wellbeing and the development of an inspirational guide (opens in a new window)The 10th IAFOR International Conference on Education, Date: 2025/01/03 - 2025/01/07, Location: Hybrid
Positieve gezondheid als onderdeel van actief en gezond ouder worden (opens in a new window)Studiedag Mijn gezonde levensstijl, Location: Brussels-Hybrid
Sleep on it. Active and healthy ageing. (opens in a new window)LifeMe, Date: 2018/12/08 - 2018/12/08, Location: Brussels
Reviewing the effects of physical activity and exercise on sleep in older adults (opens in a new window)The European Lifestyle Medicine Conference, Location: Rome
Benefits of a good night sleep (opens in a new window)Markant, Location: Nachtwacht
The effects of daily movement and sitting time on sleep and health in elderly (opens in a new window)International Organisation of Physical Therapy in Mental Health (IOPTMH), Date: 2022/05/04 - 2022/05/06, Location: Athens-Hybrid
The development of a behavioural intervention to decrease stress and sleep problems in early onset dementia (opens in a new window)Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioural Medicine, Location: Philadelphia
A co-creative healthy lifestyle program for social vulnerable community dwelling older adults (opens in a new window)HEPA 2024, Date: 2024/08/19 - 2024/08/21, Location: Dublin, ireland
Living labs healthy ageing for all (AHAA): the co-creative development and implementation of an integral lifestyle program for socially vulnerable community-dwelling older adults in Flanders and Brussels (opens in a new window)COHEHRE, Date: 2024/11/18 - 2024/11/20, Location: Gent, Belgium
Connected Care: building bridges between the (semi)residential care and home care in emotional stress and sleep management in young onset dementia (opens in a new window)Alzheimer Europe Conference, Date: 2024/10/08 - 2024/10/10, Location: Geneve
A co-creative healthy lifestyle program for social vulnerable community dwelling older adults (opens in a new window)HEPA Europe, Date: 2024/08/19 - 2024/08/21, Location: Dublin
Non-farmacological appraoch of anxiety, stress and sleep problems. Lessons learned from a program in early onset dementia (opens in a new window)International Programme 2023 - Hanze University Groningen (NL), Date: 2023/01/30 - 2023/02/07, Location: Hybrid
The effects of breathing exercises on heart rate variability and breathing frequency in cancer patients (opens in a new window)Care4 International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Conference, Date: 2024/02/05 - 2024/02/06, Location: Antwerp, Belgium
JONG-D: Een psychosociaal programma ter reductie van angst, stress en slaapproblemen bij mensen met jongdementie (opens in a new window)Vlaams netwerkevent Jongdementie, Date: 2023/10/04 - 2023/10/04, Location: Brussel, België
Active and healthy ageing: co-creative holistic educational program for socially vulnerable elderly (opens in a new window)Belgische vereniging voor gerontologie en geriatrie: wintermeeting, Location: Oostende
How healthy ageing can be innovative: the co-creative development and implementation of an integral lifestyle program for socially vulnerable community-dwelling older adults (opens in a new window)EUPHA, Date: 2024/11/12 - 2024/11/15, Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Connecting home care and (semi)residential care in stress and sleep management for people with young onset dementia (opens in a new window)International Conference on Young Onset Dementia, Date: 2024/09/18 - 2024/09/19, Location: Brussel, Odisee
The relation between physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep in older adults (opens in a new window)Belgian Association for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine (BASS meeting), Date: 2020/11/06 - 2020/11/06, Location: Virtual conference
Happy ageing: inclusion and motivators of social vulnerable older adults in a healthy lifestyle intervention (opens in a new window)Care4 International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Conference, Date: 2024/02/05 - 2024/02/06, Location: Antwerp, Belgium
A psychosocial program for people with early onset dementia to reduce stress, anxiety and sleep problems (opens in a new window)Care4 International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Conference, Date: 2024/02/05 - 2024/02/06, Location: Antwerp, Belgium
E-learning development for (future) health and social welfare professionals to increase insights and competences in the reduction of stress and sleep problems in young onset dementia (YOUNG-D) (opens in a new window)COHEHRE, Date: 2024/11/18 - 2024/11/20, Location: Gent, Belgium
European co-creation and implementation of the behavioural YOUNG-D program to reduce emotional stress and sleep problems in YOD (opens in a new window)Alzheimer Europe Conference, Date: 2025/10/08 - 2025/10/10, Location: Geneve
What are the needs of older adults with low socio-economic status to participate in physical activity programs ? (opens in a new window)18th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Location: Paris, France
Development an e-learning program on emotions, breathing, mindfulness and sleep in young onset dementia (YOUNG-D) (opens in a new window)Alzheimer Europe Conference, Date: 2024/10/08 - 2024/10/10, Location: Geneve
Active and healthy ageing for all: developing a lifestyle program for older adults with a low socio-economic status (opens in a new window)18th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Location: Paris, France
Developing a healthy lifestyle program for disadvantaged elderly living in poverty (opens in a new window)European Lifestyle Medicine Organisation ELMO, Location: Rome
Development and implementation of the Active and Healthy Lifestyle for All program (opens in a new window)Enothe 2022, Date: 2022/10/14 - 2022/10/16, Location: Georgië
Associations and effects of physical activity and exercise on the quality and quantity of sleep in older adults. (opens in a new window)1st European Lifestyle medicine congress, Date: 2018/11/10 - 2018/11/11, Location: Geneva, Switzerland
The benefits of physical exercise for sleep in older adults (opens in a new window)24th conference kinesiology, Date: 2019/12/06 - 2019/12/06, Location: Leuven
The effects of a multicomponent healthy lifestyle program on sleep and health outcomes in older adults (opens in a new window)The European Lifestyle Medicine conference (ELMO), Location: Rome
Effecten van het programma Lekker Actief op fysieke en sedentaire activiteit, slaap en gezondheid bij ouderen (opens in a new window)OKRA SPORT+ Slotevent Lekker Actief, Location: Schaerbeek
Associations between sedentary behaviour, physical activity, sleep and well-being in older adults (opens in a new window)Baltic congress of Physiotherapists, Riga. Baltic congress of Physiotherapists. BPC, Location: Virtual
Healthy active ageing : the effects of physical activity and exercise on sleep in older adults (opens in a new window)Exercise is Medicine, Location: Amsterdam
Associations of physical activity and exercise on sleep in older adults (opens in a new window)"Creating Connections - Building Bridges" Research in Occupational Therapy Symposium, Date: 2018/09/07 - 2018/09/07, Location: Leuven
Identity Leadership Development in Walking Groups for Older Adults (opens in a new window)ICSIS Conference 2019, Date: 2019/06/28 - 2019/06/30, Location: Stirling University
Identity Leadership Development in Walking Groups for Older Adults (opens in a new window)15th European Congress of Sport & Exercise Psychology (FEPSAC), Date: 2019/07/15 - 2019/07/20, Location: Münster, Germany
O2-7 Leading the Way Together: A cluster randomised controlled trial of the 5R Shared Leadership Program in older adult walking groups (opens in a new window)HEPA Europe, Date: 2022/08/31 - 2022/09/02, Location: Nice
How do participants evaluate peer-led walking groups of older adults? Implementation issues related to the ‘Lekker Actief'-project in Flanders (opens in a new window)11th Conference of HEPA Europe: "An ecosystem approach to health enhancing physical activity promotion", Date: 2022/08/31 - 2022/09/02, Location: Nice
Wil je afvallen? Slaap je slanker (opens in a new window)LifeMe Blog; 2019
Slapen onze tieners te weinig? (opens in a new window)Libelle; 2024
Hoe zorg je zelf voor de beste nachtrust? (opens in a new window)LifeMe Blog; 2019
Meer bewegen voor een beter leven op maat voor de senioren. (opens in a new window)Meer bewegen voor een beter leven op maat voor de senioren.; 2020
Lekker Actief : Resultaten van het programma (opens in a new window)Verbaanderd, Elvire; Vanderlinden, Julie
Research Collaborations A guide for early career researchers by early career researchers (opens in a new window)Vanderlinden, Julie; Gonçalves, Juliana E
Dag Van de wetenschap: Active and healthy ageing for all (AHAA) (opens in a new window)Verschelden, Pieterjan; Vanderlinden, Julie; Es, Eva
Zorginnovaties en financiering binnen Actieve buurten en levensstijlinterventies (opens in a new window)Financiering van zorginnovaties Health Hub Aalst, Date: 2023/09/14 - 2023/09/14, Location: Aalst
A lifestyle intervention for social vulnerable older adults in community centers to increase their sleep and wellbeing (opens in a new window)Independent ageing convention, Date: 2023/10/13 - 2023/10/15, Location: Aichi, Japan
Slaap en gezondheid (opens in a new window)Netwerk Vepleegkunde- Week van de Verpleegkunde, Location: Oostende
Slaap en diabetes (opens in a new window)Netwerk Verpleegkunde - De Week van verpleegkunde, Location: Oostende
Identifying young carers in Flanders. Working together towards young carer friendly schools in Flanders (opens in a new window)Eurocarers 2021, Location: Brussels
Nudging van gezonde levensstijl bij ouderen in kwetsbare situaties (opens in a new window)Ontmoetingsevent gezondheid in eerste lijn (Bruzel Brusano), Location: Brussel
Innovatief implementeren van een gezonde levensstijl: empower your health behaviour (opens in a new window)Mijn gezonde levensstijl AHAA, Location: Brussels-Hybrid
A lifestyle intervention for social vulnerable older adults in community centers to increase their sleep and wellbeing (opens in a new window)Independent Ageing convention program Book; 2023Independent Ageing Convention, Date: 2023/10/13 - 2023/10/15, Location: Aichi, Japan
Knowledge exchange and capacity building in the field of early onset dementia. Development and European implementation of a program to reduce anxiety, stress and sleep problems in early onset dementia (YOUNG-D) (opens in a new window)Projectwebsite JONG-D; 2023Vlaams Netwerkevent Jongdementie, Date: 2023/10/04 - 2023/10/04, Location: Brussel, België
Coping with emotional stress and sleep problems in people with young-onset dementia: European co-creation and implementation of the YOUNG-D behavioural program and e-learning (opens in a new window)https://www.odisee.be/media/25808; 2024International Conference On Young Onset Dementia, Date: 2024/09/18 - 2024/09/19, Location: Brussels
Jonge mantelzorgers op school (opens in a new window)Politeia; BrusselISBN: 978-2-509-03487-8
Slaap, oudere, slaap? (opens in a new window)Netwerk Verpleegkunde; 2022; iss. 3; pp. 42 - 43
Valveilig wonen en ouder worden (opens in a new window)Netwerk Verpleegkunde; 2022; Vol. 2022; iss. 2
The co-creative development and implementation of an integral lifestyle program for socially vulnerable community-dwelling older adults (opens in a new window)European journal of public health (EJPH); 2024; Vol. 34; iss. 3; pp. iii649 - iii649
Equity-specific effects of interventions to promote physical activity among middle-aged and older adults: Development of a collaborative equity-specific re-analysis strategy (opens in a new window)International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 2019; Vol. 16; iss. 17; pp. 3195 - 3195
Equity-specific effects of interventions to promote physical activity among middle-aged and older adults: results from applying a novel equity-specific re-analysis strategy (opens in a new window)International Journal Of Behavioral Nutrition And Physical Activity; 2021; Vol. 18; iss. 1
Mixed-methods-onderzoek naar beweging en slaap van ouderen (opens in a new window)KWALON. Tijdschrift voor Kwalitatief Onderzoek; 2020; Vol. 25; iss. 3; pp. 63 - 71
To be well or not to be well: compositional associations of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep with mental well-being in Flemish adults aged 55+ years (opens in a new window)Journal of activity, sedentary and sleep behaviors; 2023; Vol. 2
Are Reallocations between Sedentary Behaviour and Physical Activity Associated with Better Sleep in Adults Aged 55+ years? An Isotemporal Substitution Analysis (opens in a new window)International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health; 2020; Vol. 17; iss. 24
Effects of physical activity programs on sleep outcomes in older adults: a systematic review (opens in a new window)International Journal Of Behavioral Nutrition And Physical Activity; 2020; Vol. 17; iss. 1
The effects of a real-life lifestyle program on physical activity and objective and subjective sleep in adults aged 55+years (opens in a new window)Bmc Public Health; 2022; Vol. 22; iss. 1
Leading the way together: a cluster randomised controlled trial of the 5R Shared Leadership Program in older adult walking groups (opens in a new window)International Journal Of Behavioral Nutrition And Physical Activity; 2022; Vol. 19; iss. 1