Who is who
Koen Deprez
Main workplace
Technologiecampus Gent
Gebroeders de Smetstraat 1
9000 Gent
9000 Gent
Contact details
- koen.deprez@odisee.be
Roles and functions
- Lid onderwijsteam Ontwerp- en productietechnologie - Technologiecampus Gent
- Lid kernteam Ontwerp- en productietechnologie - Technologiecampus Gent
- Ankerpersoon Internationalisering Ontwerp- en productietechnologie - Technologiecampus Gent
Publications - results
This information is based on the Lirias data. For more information go to lirias (opens in a new window)
Zonder ervaring van de vakman geen goeie PMI data (opens in a new window)Solutions Magazine; 2021; Vol. 2021/4; pp. 43 - 45
Pi² Power project: Optimizing yield of bio-oil crops, using advanced extraction and refinery combined with derivatization (opens in a new window)International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries, Date: 2008/06/01 - 2008/06/04, Location: Rotterdam (the Netherlands)
Integrated new concept(s) for the production of SCO on an economic scale (opens in a new window)Power-Link, Date: 2008/11/27 - 2008/11/27, Location: Oostende, Belgium
Analysis of Single Cell Oils (opens in a new window)ISUP2010 - International Conference on Innovation for Sustainable Production, Date: 2010/04/18 - 2010/04/21, Location: Bruges (Belgium)
Microbial production of yeast single cell oil from waste substrates for the use in biofuel, bulk and fine chemical production (opens in a new window)International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries, Date: 2009/06/10 - 2009/06/12, Location: Ghent (Belgium)
Technologische Adviseerdienst AandrijfTechniek (opens in a new window)Dag van het onderzoek in de Associatie KULeuven, Date: 2005/05/04 - 2005/05/04, Location: Leuven, Belgium
Optimizing yield of bio-oil crops, using advanced extraction and refinery combined with derivatisation (opens in a new window)Power-Link, Date: 2008/11/27 - 2008/11/27, Location: Oostende, Belgium
Gebruik van Pure Plantaardige brandstoffen in motoren en hydraulische aandrijven. Onderzoek naar specificaties en mogelijkheden rond persing, raffinage, stabilisatie en performantieverbeteringen van pure plantaardige olie (opens in a new window)Dag van het onderzoek, associatie Universiteit Antwerpen, Date: 2008/04/01 - 2008/04/01, Location: Antwerpen, Belgium
'Bi- Cycle': Integrated new concepts for the production of Single Cell Oils on an economic scale (opens in a new window)International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries, Date: 2009/06/10 - 2009/06/12, Location: Ghent (Belgium)
Quality monitoring of PPO production using chemical quick tests (opens in a new window)International conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries, Date: 2009/06/10 - 2009/06/12, Location: Ghent (Belgium)
Pi²-Power: Use of pure plant oil in engines and hydraulic drives (opens in a new window)Annual Euclides Network Meeting, Date: 2007/05/10 - 2007/05/11, Location: Lille, France
Pi²-Power Project: Optimizing yield of bio-oil crops, using advanced extraction and refinery combined with derivatisation. Optimized quality bio-oil and biodiesel (opens in a new window)International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries, Date: 2007/06/04 - 2007/06/06, Location: Gent, Belgium
Digitek 4.0 (opens in a new window)MBD Solutions Event, Date: 2022/06/23 - 2022/06/24, Location: Eindhoven
Mechanical downstreamprocessing of Single Cell Oils (opens in a new window)Strategic Energy Forum, Date: 2009/12/10 - 2009/12/10, Location: Brussels (Belgium)
Mechanical downstream processing of single cell oils (opens in a new window)Doctoraatsymposium KaHo Sint-Lieven, Date: 2008/12/09 - 2008/12/09, Location: Gent, Belgium
Dewatering of yeast biomass for the production of Single Cell Oils (opens in a new window)Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Date: 2011/09/18 - 2011/09/21, Location: Rotterdam - The Netherlands
Mechanical downstream processing of Single Cell Oils (opens in a new window)Vlaams Algenplatform - workshop rond het oogsten van algen, Date: 2011/03/31 - 2011/03/31, Location: Ghent
Comfort improvement on mobile agricultural machinery by optimized cab suspensions (opens in a new window)Doctoraatsymposium KaHo Sint-Lieven, Date: 2008/12/09 - 2008/12/09, Location: Gent, Belgium
Mechanical Downstream Procsessing of Single Cell Oils for biofuel production (opens in a new window)103rd AOCS annual meeting and expo, Date: 2012/04/29 - 2012/05/02, Location: Long Beach, California, USA
Developing innovative algae-based products and technologies (opens in a new window)International Conference on Innovation for Sustainable Production (i-SUP), Date: 2010/04/18 - 2010/04/21, Location: Bruges, Belgium
Production of pure plant oil and its use in combustion engines (opens in a new window)Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on New Technologies and Products in Machine Manufacturing and Technology; 2007The XIVth international scientific conference 'TEHNOMUS', Date: 2007/05/04 - 2007/05/05, Location: Suceava, Romania
Pneumatic Cabin Suspension for Mobile Agricultural Machines (opens in a new window)7th International Fluid Power conference Aachen, Efficiency through Fluid Power ; 2010; Vol. 4; pp. 221 - 2327th International Fluid Power conference, Date: 2010/03/22 - 2010/03/24, Location: Aachen, Germany
Mechanical downstream processing of Single Cell Oils (opens in a new window)Proceedings Innovation for sustainable production - conference 2: Sustainable Chemistry; 2010I-SUP2010 - International Conference on Innovation for Sustainable Production, Date: 2010/04/18 - 2010/04/21, Location: Bruges (Belgium)
Prediction of spreading processes using a supervised Self-Organizing Map (opens in a new window)MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION; 2004; Vol. 65; iss. 1-2; pp. 77 - 85IMACS/IFAC Fourth International Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Agricultural and Bio-Industries, Date: 2001/06/12 - 2001/06/14, Location: ISRAEL, Haifa
System for vertical boom corrections on hilly fields (opens in a new window)Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA; 2000; pp. 1573 - 1580
Design of a passive suspension for cabins of agricultural machinery (opens in a new window)Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA; 2000; pp. 1605 - 1608
Optimization of the press efficiency of rapeseed oil as a biofuel (opens in a new window)Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on New Technologies and Products in Machine Manufacturing and Technology; 2009The XVth international scientific conference 'TEHNOMUS', Date: 2009/05/08 - 2009/05/09, Location: Succeava (Romania)
Development of a pneumatic cabin suspension for agricultural machinery (opens in a new window)Proceedings of AGENG 2004; 2004AGENG 2004, Date: 2004/09/12 - 2004/09/16, Location: Leuven, Belgium
Pneumatic cabin suspension for agricultural machinery (opens in a new window)Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Sound and Vibration; 2004The 11th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Date: 2004/07/05 - 2004/07/08, Location: St. Petersburg, Russia
Modelling and design of a pneumatic suspension for seats and cabins of mobile agricultrual machines (opens in a new window)Proceedings of ISMA2004 International Conference on Noise And Vibration Engineering; 2004; pp. 1185 - 1193ISMA2004 International Conference on Noise And Vibration Engineering, Date: 2004/09/20 - 2004/09/22, Location: Leuven, Belgium
Comfort Improvement of Agricultural Vehicles By Passive and Semi-Active Suspensions (opens in a new window)Proceedings of the 15th IFAC World congress; 2002; Vol. 35; iss. 1; pp. 307 - 311The 15th IFAC World congress, Date: 2002/07/21 - 2002/07/26, Location: Barcelona, Spain
Design of a passive suspension for cabins of agricultural machinery (opens in a new window)Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Sound and Vibrations in Agricultural and Biological Engineering; 2000; pp. 1583 - 1586The 1st International Workshop on Sound and Vibrations in Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Date: 2000/09/13 - 2000/09/15, Location: Leuven, Belgium
Comfort improvement by passive and semi-active hydropneumatic suspension using global optimization technique (opens in a new window)Proceedings of the American Control Conference; 2002; Vol. 1-6; pp. 1497 - 1501The American Control Conference, Date: 2002/05/08 - 2002/05/10, Location: Anchorage, United States
Development of a Smart Mass Flow Sensor based on Adaptive Notch Filtering and Frequency Domain Identification (opens in a new window)Proceedings of the American Control Conference; 2002; Vol. 1-6; pp. 4359 - 4364The American Control Conference, Date: 2002/05/08 - 2002/05/10, Location: Anchorage, United States
System for vertical boom corrections on hilly fields (opens in a new window)Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Sound and Vibrations in Agricultural and Biological Engineering; 2000; pp. 1551 - 1558The 1st International Workshop on Sound and Vibrations in Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Date: 2000/09/13 - 2000/09/15, Location: Leuven, Belgium
Hardware design and optimization of a 1DOF suspension (opens in a new window)Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Agricultural and Bio-Industries; 2001The 4th International Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Agricultural and Bio-Industries, Date: 2001/06/12 - 2001/06/14, Location: Haifa, Israel
Active Spray-Boom Stabilisation (opens in a new window)Proceedings of the VDI-MEG Tagung Landtechnik; 2001; Vol. 1636; iss. 1636; pp. 217 - 222VDI-MEG Tagung Landtechnik, Date: 2001/11/09 - 2001/11/10, Location: Hannover, Germany
System for vertical boom corrections on hilly fields (opens in a new window)Journal of sound and vibration ; 2003; Vol. 266; iss. 3; pp. 613 - 6241st International ISMA Workshop on Nois and Vibration in Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Date: 2000/09/13 - 2000/09/14, Location: BELGIUM, LEUVEN
Mathematical modelling and comparison of several passive vertical spray boom suspensions (opens in a new window)Proceedings of the IMACS/IFAC 3rd International Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Agricultural an Bio-Industries ; 1999; pp. 35 - 41The IMACS/IFAC 3rd International Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Agricultural an Bio-Industries, Date: 1999/06/07 - 1999/06/09, Location: Uppsala, Sweden
Improvement of vibrational comfort on agricultural vehicles by passive and semi-active cabin suspensions (opens in a new window)Computers and electronics in agriculture ; 2005; Vol. 49; iss. 3; pp. 431 - 44015th IFAC World Congress, Date: 2002/07/22 - 2002/07/26, Location: SPAIN, BARCELONA
Development of a Slow Active Suspension for Stabilising The Roll of Spray Booms (opens in a new window)Proceedings of the UKACC International Conference on CONTROL2000; 2000The UKACC International Conference on CONTROL2000, Date: 2000/09/04 - 2000/09/07, Location: Cambridge, UK
Development of a weed activated spraying machine for targeted application of herbicides (opens in a new window)Aspects of Applied Biology, International advances in pesticide application 2002 ; 2002; Vol. 66; pp. 147 - 164International advances in pesticide application, Date: 2002/01/07 - 2002/01/09, Location: University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
Improved Design of Air Suspension for Seats of Mobile Agricultural Machines (opens in a new window)Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Sound and Vibration; 2004; Vol. 276; iss. 1-2; pp. 141 - 156
Comfort improvement of a nonlinear suspension using global optimization and in situ measurements (opens in a new window)Journal of sound and vibration; 2005; Vol. 284; iss. 3; pp. 1003 - 1014
Mechanical downstream processing of single cell oils (opens in a new window)Tehnomus ; 2010; Vol. 17; pp. 7 - 10
Prediction of spreading processes using a supervised Self-Organizing Map (opens in a new window)Mathematics and computers in simulation ; 2004; Vol. 65; iss. 1; pp. 77 - 85
An improved design of air suspension for seats of mobile agricultural machines (opens in a new window)Journal of sound and vibration ; 2004; Vol. 276; iss. 1; pp. 141 - 156
Conceptual cab suspension system for a self-propelled agricultural machine, Part 1: Development of a linear mathematical model (opens in a new window)Biosystems engineering ; 2004; Vol. 89; iss. 4; pp. 409 - 416
Mechanical downstream processing of single cell oils (opens in a new window)Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences ; 2012; Vol. 77; iss. 1; pp. 189 - 193
Conceptual cab suspension system for a self-propelled agricultural machine - Part 2: Operator comfort optimisation (opens in a new window)Biosystems engineering ; 2005; Vol. 90; iss. 3; pp. 271 - 278
Design and evaluation of a low-power portable test rig for vibration tests on mobile agricultural machinery (opens in a new window)Transactions of the ASAE ; 2002; Vol. 45; iss. 1; pp. 5 - 12
Development of a slow active suspension for stabilizing the roll of spray booms, part 2: Controller design (opens in a new window)Biosystems engineering ; 2002; Vol. 81; iss. 3; pp. 273 - 279
Development of a slow active suspension for stabilizing the roll of spray booms, part 1: Hybrid modelling (opens in a new window)Biosystems engineering ; 2002; Vol. 81; iss. 2; pp. 185 - 191
Effect of driver and driving style on the stress responses of pigs during a short journey by trailer (opens in a new window)Animal Welfare ; 2008; Vol. 17; iss. 2; pp. 189 - 196