Quality of education
At Odisee, high-quality education is our top priority. We shape our education co-creatively by continuously and actively involving students, staff, the professional field, and external peers. In doing so, we build a professional organization with a lived quality culture that not only makes quality measurable but also noticeable.
Odisee takes the lead as a learning organization. We share expertise, exchange experiences, evaluate and adjust, both in the short and long term, with involvement as a cornerstone. We use co-creation as a lever to tackle complex challenges sustainably, inclusively, and lean.

All programs go through a six year* quality cycle consisting of several reflection moments, where internal and external stakeholders play an active role. Quality assurance is strongly intertwined with our innovative education policy 'Odisee 2027' in our undergraduate programs.
The VARiOSO cycle has been running since 2019-20. The explanation of the six steps in the process is provided below.
As VARiOSO is a dutch-acronym, the words will not exactly match in English. This cycle was preceded by the ASTOR-cycle, focussing on quality culture, quality of teaching materials and evaluation. The final step in the ASTOR-cycle consisted of an external review under supervision of VLUHR-QA.
* Exceptionally, a cycle can take 7 years.
V = Verkennen - EXPLORE
We zoom in on the available data and map out how they are used to make clear and well-founded decisions.
We identify opportunities and needs in a focus conversation with our key stakeholders or interested parties. We engage in dialogue with students and representatives from the professional field.
A = Analyseren - ANALYSE
Critical friends (colleagues, students, and representatives from the professional field) screen the education quality of our programs. We review selected courses to see if they meet the predetermined quality criteria. Improvement opportunities and learning points are listed.
Ri = interne Reflectie - REFLECTION (internal)
Each team participates in a workshop where they collectively reflect on what is going well and what could be improved. We use the SWOT-analysis.
During this process, the team also develops its own quality profile in relation to our vision "Odisee 2027". Five strengths and five challenges are selected that will be the focus for the coming years.
O = Optimaliseren - Optimize
We identify a particular theme or core process that we want to improve. In co-creation with experts, we develop an action plan.
S = Spiegelen - MIRRORING (external review)
An external committee visits our programs and gives feedback on the quality profile. They acknowledge strengths and provide recommendations for improvement. These panels are supervised by the ENQAR-registered agency VLUHR-QA. Our board validates all reports using an assurance decision (on the quality page of the program).
For graduate programs, this phase corresponds to the accreditation procedure. The program prepares a Self-Assessment Report and interacts with an external committee.
O = Opvolgen - FOLLOW-UP
The programs start working with the feedback from the external committee. They create a follow-up report in which they list the actions taken, and engage in a dialogue with the board.
What do our stakeholders think?
Co-creation, that also means daring to ask questions. In order to learn and adjust where necessary. In addition to the VARiOSO-cycle, we have a variety of instruments, such as the annual student survey O-experience, in which students give their opinion about the quality of their program. Students are also given the opportunity to give feedback to their lecturers. Alumni, in turn, are systematically surveyed one-and-a-half year after graduation.