Inclusive facilities
Because we want to maximize the chances of academic success for all students, we ensure that each student has access to certain facilities. This means that as a student, you automatically have the right to the following facilities. You do not need to apply for them. We differentiate below between educational and examination facilities.

Educational facilities
access to digital files of the course material
access to all course material at the start of the class, unless there are educational reasons not to do so (for all or a part of the material)
clear information about assignments and evaluation at one place or the same location in each Toledo course
recordings of online classes or a valid alternative
permission to use your laptop / specific software / tools . Your teacher may deviate from this if it is not feasible or not safe to do so
Examination facilities
extra time for a written exam: in addition to the standard exam time, 1/3 extra time is provided
exam questions can be read aloud
extra preparation time for oral exams. This does not apply to practical exams without preparation time. Discuss the practical implementation with your teacher in advance
written exam questions for oral exams
possibility to use noise-canceling headphones (available on your campus) or earplugs
language proficiency is taken into account in the evaluation only when correct language use (including accurate spelling) is specified in the ECTS description of the course module
permission to use a translating dictionary during an exam, unless otherwise specified in the ECTS description of a course module
allowed to use a basic pocket calculator for basic calculations (unless it is an intended learning outcome of the course module)
permission to have a small snack and drink during the exam (e.g. glucose, small dry snack)
Maybe these inclusive facilities are sufficient to help you with your difficulties. Do you have extra needs? Apply for an O-statuut.