Online Exam


Below you will find frequently asked questions for the online exams.

Tip: various screencasts are shown in the answers to questions. If you want to quickly go through all those screencasts  after reading the explanation, you can do so via this playlist.

Studenten leggen examen af

In advance

If you have a technical problem during an online exam, please check the status page first, where all known technical problems (and possible workarounds) are listed.

If during an online exam you experience a technical problem with your laptop, internet connection and/or used technology, you are REQUIRED to contact the ICT servicedesk.

If circumstances prevent you from starting your test until after the start of the exam, always contact your teacher.

  • For urgent problems/support during online exams OFF-CAMPUS please ALWAYS call 0800/20.017 (+329 331 65 10 from abroad)
    TIP: make a note of this phone number and the URL of the status page, so that you always have them quickly to hand.
  • Other arrangements apply to the test examination, as indicated in the test exam itself.
  • If the helpline cannot be reached in case of a technical problem, please inform your teacher immediately.
  • For non-urgent problems it is best to create a ticket via, ticket type"online les of examen, ondersteuning gevraagd" (online lesson or exam, support requested).
For the smooth technical running of the exam, it is necessary to take the test exam no later than the day before the actual exam. This is available to all students who will be taking an xToledo exam with Proctorio. Read more!