Course schedules and class groups
Only after you have entered your individual study programme (ISP) can you consult your personal schedule. You will find an answer to the most frequently asked questions about course schedules below.
How to register your Individual Study Programme?
For each class group a course schedule has been drawn up in which the lessons of compulsory subjects do not overlap. Read all about it on this page

Students follow the lessons of compulsory courses within a class group. Such a class group has a code e.g. 1B BM/1A1. For each class group a course schedule has been made in which the lessons of compulsory courses do not overlap. Elective courses do not overlap with the compulsory courses of the same programme stage.
You request your change as soon as possible after the start of the academic year and certainly before the deadline for the establishment of your ISP (15 October).
For the campuses of Brussels and Schaarbeek
Only new students enrolled for the first time in a particular programme can submit a request to change class group.
Attention: Students following a programme in which the class group is individually assigned by the programme must obtain permission from the programme to change their class group!
For the following programmes, where the class group is automatically assigned, the approval of the Head of Programme is required!Associate Degree in Computer Programming
Associate Degree in Social Work an Social Care
Associate Degree in System and Network Administration
Bachelor of Applied Informatics
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
Bachelor of Social WorkHow to request a change of class group?
- As a student, you can only request a change of class group by sending an e-mail to the Planning Department.
- The title of your e-mail is 'request for a change of class group'.
Be sure to mention your name, student number (r-, s- or m-number), the programme you are following, your current class group (to be found in your ISP for students following a programme that uses automatic class group assignment) and the class group you would like to be assigned to.
Think carefully about your decision, a change of class group is only allowed once and you cannot change your decision!
Mail the Planning Department
For the campuses of Aalst, Dilbeek, Gent and Sint-Niklaas
Contact the programme secretariat.
In the online programme guide, you choose your programme and then click on 'schedule' in the top left-hand corner. You will see a list of all available class groups. Now click on your class group.
You can find the schedule for a certain course unit in the online programme guide. First choose the program in the online programme guide and then the course unit and the correponding learning activities. Then click on the clock next to the number of contact hours. A pop-up screen will appear with the schedule for the course unit in question.
On the dashboard of the student platform you can go under 'My tools' to 'My Admin' and click on 'My course schedule'.
Your personal timetable opens by default in the current week via a calendar view. You can choose other display options by indicating your choice at the top. Navigating between different data can be done via arrows or by clicking on data; you can return by clicking on Today.
Do you prefer a list view? Click the menu button with three horizontal lines next to the monthly overview button and choose 'Schedule (List)'. You can choose between a week or semester overview.
In the calendar view of the timetable, lessons are shown in a blue color, exams are in a green color. If you click on a lesson or an exam, a pop-up will open. You can click on the code of the course, then the ECTS sheet of the course opens. If you click on the room, a room sheet will open in which you can find the address of the building in which the room is located. If the lesson takes place online or externally, the teacher will give you more information about this.
If you click on the room, a room sheet opens in which you can find the address of the building in which the room is located. On the Find your room page, you will find an overview per campus of the structure of the room numbers so that you can easily find the room where you need to be.
What can also help you during your studies:
When you follow a flexible learning path, you’re taking courses from multiple programmes and you have to register for the programme stages in which you follow most of your credits. Thus, the course schedule of most (compulsory) subjects is fixed. The course units of another programme stage you want to follow, have to be organized around this basic course schedule.
You can contact the learning path coach(es) of your degree programme for more help with the composition of a learning path that suits your personal profile.
Be careful when composing your personal course schedule and take in account the advice that your learning path coach(es) give(s) you. You need to make sure you take the same course with the same class group and the same teacher at all times.