Online session - Better prepared for the exams

Need some general tips to take it easy during the semester and keep your head cool during the exams?

In this session the student counsellors give you advice on setting up a good and realistic block planning and tips on the different exam formats (written, oral, multiple choice,...).

Already working on a good planning? Download our handy study planner for free here , an indispensable tool during the block and exams!

You can participate directly by clicking on this link. Or you can register via the form below and receive a reminder of the session on the day itself!

P.S.: Do you already know MoodSpace? MoodSpace is a place for students, which is packed with reliable information, tips and self-help tools to tackle emotional problems or to help you study confidently. 

student studeert
from Tuesday 02 May '23, 18:00
until Tuesday 02 May '23, 19:00

For questions concerning registration please contact