Study Material @ Odisee

As a student, you will make use of a wide range of study materials during your studies.

Below you will find information on

  • the study material you can expect
  • how to purchase or consult it
  • what you can do in case of problems
2 studenten overleggen in de bibliotheek

What study materials can you expect?

  • Handbooks


    Handbooks are published by organizations and publishing houses. They are sold at Odisee to students through "Standaard Boekhandel".


    In the Standaard Student Shop you can consult the list of required textbooks and order and pay for these items. Also the books for the second semester are now available there.

    Go to the Standaard Student Shop

  • ePublications (of course texts)


    Course texts written by teachers are published online in 2 formats: as pdf files (for download and print) and as an (online) e-book (for multimedia and shared lecture notes).


    Access to the e-publications will be free and automatic based on your Individual Study Program (ISP). So get your ISP in place quickly starting Sept. 10 so you can get to your e-publications too.


    The e-publications can be accessed in three ways:

    • The tool "My study materials" (in Dutch) on the Odisee dashboard shows your ISP (from mid-September) with accompanying study materials and a pdf file of each course so you can print them.
    • In each Toledo course, you can use the button "STM" to download the pdf files of your courses and open the corresponding e-books.
    • Through the Odisee eBooks (web) apps, you can also access the e-books on a tablet/laptop via native apps for Windows, Android and iOS.

    Learn more about eBooks @ Odisee

    Go to My study materials

    Go to Toledo

  • eCourses


    Some programs offer fully online courses for students and the field through the open platform: eCourses@Odisee.


    You will receive information on how to access these e-courses and how they are used for specific courses from your instructor.

    More information about eCourses @ Odisee (in Dutch) 

  • Software


    In addition to courses and textbooks, you will also use specific software recommended by your program. You can download and install this software on your own laptop through the Academic Software Portal. This way, you will always have the latest software at your disposal in a legal way and also at an advantageous price. Depending on your chosen program, the software is free, 20 or 50 euros. Information about the costs for your course can be found here.


    After your registration you go to the website: to 'My Odisee'. At the top right, next to the daily menu of your campus, you will find the button 'My expenses'. This button will take you to the payment application.

    After the online payment you have access to the online software portal 'Academic Software'. Log in with your Odisee account ( and download your course-specific software.

    You install the software on your laptop and use it during the academic year. This makes taking classes with your laptop a lot easier and this software is also available while studying.

    For additional information and all software related problems you can contact the support of Academic Software.

    Learn more about software

  • Laptop


    As a student in higher education, you need your own laptop.

    Do you already have a laptop?

    Be sure to check if your current laptop meets the system requirements established by your program.

    Looking for a laptop?

    Academic Shop and Odisee have together developed an attractive laptop offer via the Academic Shop. Be sure to check out the system requirements set by your course.

    If you buy or rent a laptop this way, it always includes a 3-year next business on-site warranty. With this warranty, a technician will come to your home or dorm room to fix the problem free of charge. If the problem cannot be fixed immediately, you will immediately receive a replacement device with - if possible - all your data on it.

    For support you can always contact us by phone (+32 3 327 30 74), e-mail (, chat or book a technician online.

    So you are always assured of a working laptop throughout your education.

    If you need advice or financial assistance with the purchase or rental of your laptop, you can contact our STUVO student services. They will help you find the best solution.

    More information about laptops

  • Other study materials

    During the semester, the instructor may also provide other study materials, such as lecture recordings, presentations, practice materials, additional articles, etc....

    Access to this material is usually obtained through the Toledo course of your course or directly on the right page in your e-book or e-course.

    More information about Toledo @ Odisee

  • Laboratory or work clothes

    Some courses also require specific lab or work clothes to participate in some activities. You will learn all about it from your instructor.

    More information about lab or work clothing (in Dutch)


  • What if things go wrong?

    Sometimes things go wrong, an ordered textbook is not delivered, you can't log into "My Study Materials," an e-book won't open or you can't install software.

    Quickly find here the right way to your support-provider.

What can you expect when?

  • In the Standaard Student Shop you can purchase the required textbooks for your courses . The books for the second semester are also available there.
  • Since mid-September you can start putting together your Individual Study Program (ISP) . You will notice that because of this you will begin to see your Toledo courses associated with your courses. You will be automatically enrolled in these Toledo courses.
  • Also you will see your list of OPO/OLAs appear in the"My Study Materials" tool. Again, this is based on your ISP. It is in this application that you get the overview of required textbooks, e-publications (self-written courses by teachers), e-courses (online courses from Odisee) and software (Bring-your-own-device) per educational activity.
  • You can expect that - at least one week before the start of your classes - you will also be able to download the e-publications as pdf files and access the online e-book via "My Study Materials".

What if things go wrong?

Sometimes things go wrong, an ordered textbook is not delivered, you can't log into "My Study Materials," an e-book won't open or you can't install software.

Quickly find the right way to your support-provider.
