Wie is wie
Laura Vervacke
Lector Biologie & onderzoeker project Redeneerling
Campus Dilbeek
Stationsstraat 301
1700 Dilbeek
1700 Dilbeek
- laura.vervacke@odisee.be
Rollen & functies
- Lid Onderwijsteam Secundair Onderwijs - Campus Dilbeek
Publications - results
Deze informatie is gebaseerd op de Lirias data. Voor meer informatie ga naar lirias (opens in a new window)
Kritisch denken over wetenschap (opens in a new window)Vlaams Congres van Leraars Wetenschappen, Location: UGent, campus Ledeganck
What can science teachers learn from the humanities? Philosophical dialogues to trigger reflection about Nature of Science (opens in a new window)The 15th conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Location: Cappadocia, Turkey
Denk je dat of weet je dat? Kritisch denken over wetenschap en geschiedenis opwekken via dialoog (opens in a new window)Velov - Velon Congres voor Lerarenopleiders, Date: 2022/03/17 - 2022/03/17, Location: Brugge, Belgiƫ
Studiedag Dialoog en kritisch denken in de klas (opens in a new window)ExploRatio studiedag, Location: Odisee
Can we investigate something we cannot see? Stimulating critical thinking about knowledge in the history and science class (opens in a new window)The 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), Date: 2022/11/07 - 2022/11/09, Location: Seville, Spain
Mag je aan alles twijfelen? Kritisch denken over wetenschap (opens in a new window)Jaarboek / Vereniging voor het Onderwijs in de Biologie, de Milieuleer en de Gezondheidseducatie.; 2022; Vol. 45; pp. 13 - 28
Can science exist without doubt? Reflection about science in secondary education (opens in a new window)EDULEARN23 Proceedings; 2023; pp. 4823 - 4829EDULEARN, Location: Mallorca
Can we investigate something we cannot see? Stimulating critical thinking about knowledge in the history and science class (opens in a new window)https://library.iated.org/publications/ICERI2022; 2022; pp. 1424 - 1431ICERI, Date: 2022/11/07 - 2022/11/09, Location: Sevilla