Bachelor Business Management - Marketing
Sink your teeth into Odisee's English-spoken Bachelor of Business Management with a major in Marketing! Do you feel that you have a commercial talent and good communication skills? Do you have a keen interest in the exciting world of marketing and communications, distribution, sales, event management and international business? Then you (and major marketing agencies) will love our major in Marketing.
Find out more about the programme, courses, internships and promising job profiles!

Welcome to our open day on Saturday, 15 March 2025
What to expect from the Bachelor Business Management
Make magic with numbers
Training in business economics
Learn to strategise and analyse
Organisation is your talent
Odisee offers a practice-oriented training but always with a focus on strong theoretical underpinnings. You'll develop a broad range of skills in the field of marketing (including e-marketing), ICT and communication in foreign languages. We also encourage our students to develop excellent social skills to strengthen their ability to establish business contacts.
From general to more specific
Our marketing training is based on three critical cornerstones: specialist marketing study, foreign languages and computer science. The specialist study covers everything from broad marketing to very specific marketing niches. Business cases support everything we teach. Guest speakers, conferences, company visits, workshops and projects are all part of your training. Moreover, according to your personal interests and future plans, you can take a number of elective course.
Guaranteed quality of education
All of Odisee's programmes go through a comprehensive quality cycle every six years, encompassing all aspects of an ingrained culture of quality: co-creation with internal and external stakeholders, critical reflection based on facts and figures, clear improvement goals and thorough follow-up, internal and external transparency regarding the assurance and enhancement of educational quality
Quality of Bachelor of Business Management with a major in Marketing
Study Business Management at Odisee? Here is why

What will you learn?
Odisee's Bachelor of Business Management with a major in Marketing is a three-year day-time on-campus programme of 180 ECTS credits.
Join us for a real lesson
The best way to get to know Odisee's university college and our courses is to follow a real lesson, together with real students. Sounds good, right?
As you attend one or more courses, you will experience how lessons are really taught at our university college and get acquainted with students who are following the same study programme that you are interested in.
Why choose Odisee University College?
Odisee's teaching staff often come from or are still active in the business world. This means that they are always up to date with the latest innovations and that they explain their subject matter in a practical way, with clear examples.

What's next after the BBM degree?
As a fully-fledged bachelor in marketing, you will always be looking for new ways to meet your target group's needs and to market products or services. You will advise on new markets and products, take care of smart communication campaigns and suggest ways to make a product or service desirable. Marketing and sales often go hand in hand. One thing is certain: your job will never be boring.
You can apply for
Marketing and sales positions
Internet marketing jobs
Brand and product manager roles
Assistant event manager jobs
Positions in sales

Or will you study on after your BBM degree?
At Campus Brussels, you can follow up your BBM with a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from KU Leuven. This one-year master programme (of 60 ECTS) is taught in English. It has an international focus and is designed to provide you with academic knowledge as well as hands-on expertise, enabling you to succeed in international management positions. All candidates need to opt for a Major's programme in International Business Management, Business Information Management or International Relations.
Upon completion of your BBM at Odisee, you can also apply for one- or two-year master programmes throughout Europe and the US. More information? Contact the Odisee Admissions team at
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